2008년 10월 21일 화요일


Fluid dynamics is shit!!! this subject make me mad mad mad. I'm mad.

Its exam is about chapter1~6 but I'm studying chapter 4 now and exam is tommorrow shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit

Prof. Jongyup's plan is killing me obiously.
i hate Fluid dynamics but its so lovely than Thermodynamics.
Thermodynamics exam is next wednesday............
My hatred about Thermodynamics is growing very well^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

hey ddang bean kkk my naming sense is verrrrrrrryyyyyyyy good.
Peanut is so boring and it has many bad meaning kkk
My choice is gorgeous kkkkkk DDang bean is far better than peanut kkk

2008년 10월 19일 일요일


is difficult to write


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이거 뭐냐 아깐 한영키 안먹혔는데 간사한 구글 블로그
양키들 이 블로그 오면 이 글은 못알아 먹겠지? 키키키

Google blog

thig blog is very difficult to user in korea accustomed to naver blog.
I can't use delete key and can't use korean damnnnnnnn
ah now I can use that key! I don't know why kkk


Posting for making menu kkk